Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lets go!

LOGO Infinity Chloe Hybrid Mesh Avatar by Maximillion Grant
Spellbound Antisocialite - Angst // Chapter II : Sky Hair @The Arcade Gacha
[Z O O M] Cat Eyes Glasses @Cosmopolitant
Loordes of London -Wooden Tears Necklace #15
CerberusXing Hayop (Gold) Nails New
-Pixicat- Dusk.Top (Orange) @Collabor88
-Pixicat- Tilde.Shorts Highwaisted (Stripes nr1) @Kustom9
REIGN- July Shoes Group Gift
ohayo. cat backpack + lune RARE @Kustom9
Inhale With Eyes to Hear Tattoo New􀀚
Shai The Dapper Dog - Sailor Beanie Navy @The Arcade Gacha
Pritty lilah Hair Group Gift
Pure Poison boho time necklace
Emery donna v-neck
-Pixicat- Tilde.Shorts Highwaisted @Kustom9
[monso] my combat ankle boots

Clawtooth La Bella Donna Prize 5 Gacha
ohayo. coinpurse + mix cat @Kustom9
Zenith leather rope backpack - 3 colors Group Gift
Eaters Coma - Dress w/ waist tied shirt / White
BYRNE Cracked earrings Group Gift
Magika  Kawaii Bow Group Gift
(fd) Bossy Boots - Floral Black + Blue
Eaters Coma - HAIR 56
Addams Heart Cut Back Tank Top
le fil casse peace love + buttshorts - floral lite FIT RARE
 [DDL] Everybody Knows (Group Gift)
Glamistry - ANEMUNA Heels [Gift]