I so lololololololooooove this outfit. Another new release from SeVered GarDeN. Its very fantastic, cute, sexy and fun to wear :) SeVered GarDeN always doing a very great outfit. Le*Se got their new shape woooo! Get them if you like them ^^. Another item for Grunge Soul Project and that is the [Katsucide] Laura Skin. Have fun everyone :)
TRUTH hair by Truth Hawks
SeVered GarDeN * Katy * by Berta Avro ♥Ne௰♥
Le*Se BonBon Shape by Lexusia Sabetha ♥Ne௰♥
[Katsucide] Laura Skin (Tan & Light) by katy Stransky GSP
SLink Jolie Pied Barefeet Tiptoes by Siddean Munro
The photo was taken here: Cabrian Outpost